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Final Report: Mining Water on the Moon Over the past few months, I was part of a study funded by the United Launch Alliance and supported by a large group of technologists to determine if we can mine water on the Moon and turn it into rocket fuel, and to do it economically. The final […]


Bringing an Asteroid to Earth: What Kind?

Asteroid Retrieval It has been proposed that NASA go out, grab an asteroid, and bring the asteroid to Earth. It would be placed into high lunar orbit (not directly in Earth orbit).  Once there, astronauts can go out to visit it. This would demonstrate key technologies like the solar electric propulsion and the ability to […]


Get Ready to Mine Space!

We are living in an awesome generation, the first one that will mine space!  Some companies want to mine the Moon.  Others want to mine asteroids.  Here’s a brief survey of the Who and the Where. At the most recent count, I found eight companies with a focus on space mining. They are at various […]